Wellness Hub

Women’s Yoga & Strength Society Blog

Insights and Inspiration

My passion is helping women over 35 achieve empowerment through strength training and yoga. I believe that everyone deserves to feel strong, confident, and capable in their bodies, and my blog is a space where I share my knowledge, insights, and experiences to help you on your own journey to optimal health and wellbeing.

Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

The Truth About Fruit: Dispelling Myths and Celebrating Nature's Sweet Treats

Fruit has been unfairly blamed in some circles as a secret saboteur of weight loss. We’ve all heard the myths: “Don’t eat fruit after 6 pm!” or “Fruit is just sugar in disguise.” But let’s set the record straight: the worldwide obesity crisis is not the result of someone enjoying an apple at 7:30 pm! In fact, the idea that fruit makes you fat is not just untrue—it’s dangerously misleading.

In this post, I’ll break down some common myths surrounding fruit, explain why it doesn’t make you gain weight, and highlight the many incredible benefits that fruit offers for your health.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

The Essential Role of Protein for Active Women

As an active woman, especially one engaged in strength training, understanding the role of protein in your diet is crucial. Protein is not just a nutrient; it's a powerhouse that supports muscle repair, growth, and overall health, particularly as we move through midlife and beyond. This educational piece aims to provide you with well-researched information about protein, its importance, benefits, and recommendations for your daily intake.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Embracing Tranquility: The Benefits of Restorative Yoga

In the fast-paced whirl of our daily lives, finding moments of tranquility can be challenging. Restorative yoga offers a unique opportunity to slow down, reset, and nurture both body and mind. As an Iyengar yoga teacher, I appreciate the profound benefits of a restorative practice, which can be incredibly healing and rejuvenating.

Restorative yoga is a gentle, calming yoga practice that uses props to support the body in positions of comfort and ease to facilitate relaxation and health. It's designed to restore the nervous system and help release deeply held tensions from the body and mind.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Unpacking Myths :- "Long, Lean Muscles" and "Toning" Explained

The fitness industry is rife with myths that promise quick fixes and ideal body types. Among the most persistent of these myths are the concepts of achieving "long, lean muscles" and becoming "toned." This blog post aims to demystify these terms using scientific insights and practical advice, promoting a healthier, more informed approach to fitness.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

The Truth About Carbohydrates and Weight Loss for Midlife Women

In a world where fad diets dominate the headlines, many women in midlife find themselves contemplating drastic dietary changes—like cutting out carbohydrates—to tackle menopausal weight gain. However, there’s a wealth of science that suggests this isn’t necessary, or even optimal, for your health. Let's look into why maintaining carbohydrates in your diet is not only okay but beneficial, especially as an active woman in midlife.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Take Control: The Power of Pelvic Floor Health

Discover the transformative power of pelvic floor health! My latest blog dives deep into how strength training can boost pelvic support, enhance your well-being, and improve confidence for women over 40. Whether you’re navigating post-childbirth changes and/or the menopause transition, learn key exercises that empower you from the inside out. Ready to strengthen your core and more? Click to read the full guide and join me in building a stronger, healthier you!

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

The Essential Role of Fibre in Women's Health and Fat Loss After 40

As we step into our 40s, our bodies undergo significant changes that can affect our overall health and weight management. For women, this period brings about hormonal shifts that can make losing fat more challenging than in younger years. However, one of the keys to navigating these changes successfully is found in a component of our diet often overlooked: dietary fibre. Let’s dive into what science says about the role of dietary fibre for general health and in a well-rounded fat loss protocol for women over the age of 40.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Why Your Health Choices Matter More Than Ever

Did you know that I've been involved in the medical field since I was just seventeen? Yep, it's been quite the journey. From bustling hospitals to the quiet offices of general practitioners and specialists, I've had the privilege of working alongside medical professionals as their personal assistant. Over the years, I've witnessed the incredible diversity in people's health and the immense pressure that our medical system faces, now more than ever.

Having seen the strain on both the system and the dedicated individuals within it, I've become a passionate advocate for proactive health practices. I firmly believe in the power of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, quality sleep, and effective stress management. Why? Because I've seen firsthand how these habits can make a world of difference in both physical well-being and overall quality of life.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Starting Fresh: Menopause Wellness Strategies for the New Year

The holiday season has passed, and now we're faced with a brand new year full of possibilities. As we return to our daily routines, it's not about embracing the cliché of a "New Year, New You," but rather adopting the mindset of "New Year, Be Good to You!" Recent research underscores the importance of incorporating small, consistent actions into your life, particularly as you navigate menopause and beyond.

So, without further delay, let's explore some fundamental ways to prioritise your well-being during menopause and beyond in the coming year:

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

The Grip on Longevity: A Strong Case for Measuring and Improving Grip Strength

In the quest for a longer, healthier life, many aspects of our physical well-being come into play. One often-overlooked indicator of longevity is grip strength. It may seem surprising, but grip strength can serve as a valuable marker for overall health and longevity. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasoning behind measuring grip strength in adults, explore how to improve it through strength training, and emphasise that while grip strength is important, it's just one piece of the longevity puzzle.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Beyond Numbers: A Healthy Approach to Navigating Weight Changes During Perimenopause

Perimenopause, often referred to as the "menopausal transition," is a natural phase in a woman's life that marks the period of hormonal fluctuations leading up to their final period (menopause) when their body is transitioning to the end of its reproductive years. In Australia, the average age for women to reach menopause is 51 to 52. Perimenopause usually starts in a woman’s 40s. On average it lasts four to six years, but it can last from one to 10 years. During perimenopause, women may experience a range of physical and emotional changes, including weight gain, particularly around the midsection. On average, women between the ages of 45 and 55 gain about half a kilo per year. Many things can contribute to weight gain in midlife. In this blog post, we'll look into the reasons behind weight changes during perimenopause, why it happens, and provide evidence-based tips to help address these challenges.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Yoga as a Therapeutic Approach for COVID-19 Recovery: A Holistic Perspective

In the midst of my first encounter with COVID-19, a virus I had managed to avoid for almost four years, the exploration of how yoga, in particular Iyengar yoga, could assist in my recovery, led me to the Covid Recovery Program devised by the Iyengar Yoga (UK) Therapy Committee. On day 3 since testing positive, with my temperature returning to normal on day 4, I embarked on a cautious 30-minute restorative yoga practice. Today, as I contemplate a longer session, I am reminded of the delicate balance required when integrating exercise into the recovery process. It's a reminder that, in the face of this virus, our bodies deserve not only medical attention but also the gentleness of holistic practices. In this blog, I will look into the potential of yoga as a therapeutic tool for COVID-19 recovery, drawing insights from the wisdom of IY(UK) and other reliable sources.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Balancing Act: Menopause, Alcohol, and Your Wellbeing

As women navigate the challenging terrain of menopause, it's essential to consider the impact of alcohol on their physical and mental health. In this blog post, I will explore the unique ways in which women process alcohol, the changing dynamics with age, and the body-wide effects that alcohol can have, especially during midlife and beyond.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Navigating Metabolism Changes Through Menopause: A Closer Look

Exploring the intricacies of metabolism during menopause, my latest blog post challenges age-old beliefs with insights from a groundbreaking study involving over 6,400 individuals. Contrary to the common notion of a steady metabolic decline after 30, the research reveals surprising peaks and plateaus in our metabolic journey. For women navigating menopause, the study sheds light on the complex interplay of factors influencing weight and body composition. Beyond metabolism, my blog emphasises a holistic approach—prioritising strength training, smart nutrition choices, and stress management—to empower women to thrive through menopause.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Breaking the Mold: Celebrating the Strength of Women Defying Age Stereotypes

In a world that often perpetuates limiting stereotypes, women are stepping into the spotlight, dismantling preconceived notions, and rewriting the narrative of strength, resilience, and beauty. For far too long, societal expectations have painted a picture of women as delicate beings, confined to predefined roles and subjected to unrealistic standards of appearance and behavior. However, there's a powerful revolution happening—one that celebrates the inherent strength of women at every age.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Understanding and Managing Joint Pain in Menopause

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, signaling the end of her reproductive years. While it brings about significant hormonal changes, it can also introduce a variety of symptoms. Joint pain is one such symptom that many women experience during this transitional phase. In this article, I will discuss joint pain in menopause, why it occurs, and some strategies on how women can manage the symptoms.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Building Stronger Bones: The Impact of Strength Training on Bone Density

Bones are the silent scaffolding that supports our bodies and keeps us upright. They're not just the hard, lifeless structures we may think they are. Bone is a dynamic, living tissue that undergoes a constant process of breakdown and rebuilding. As we age, bone density starts to decrease, making us more susceptible to conditions like osteopenia and osteoporosis. However, there's a powerful tool at our disposal to counteract this decline: strength training. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of strength training on bone density, including the science behind it and why it's essential for everyone, regardless of age or gender.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

Debunking the “Bulky” Myth: Why Women Should Embrace Weightlifting After 40

When it comes to fitness, there are numerous myths and misconceptions that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. One of the most persistent myths is the fear that lifting weights will make women bulky. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, weightlifting offers incredible benefits for women, especially as they reach the age of 40 and beyond. In this blog, we'll debunk the myth of women getting bulky from weightlifting and explore why it's crucial for women to embrace strength training.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

The Role of Protein in Menopause: Do I Need It? Why? How Much? What Kind?

As a fitness professional with two decades of experience, I've witnessed the enduring importance of protein consumption in the realm of health and fitness. Protein isn't just about building muscles; it's also a vital component for the proper functioning of your body. It forms the foundation of our muscles, nervous system, brain, blood, skin, and hair. Furthermore, it acts as a transport mechanism for essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, oxygen, and fats. During the menopausal transition, factors such as decreased estrogen and age-related changes can accelerate muscle and bone loss. This makes prioritizing protein intake, alongside resistance training, crucial for women going through menopause.

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Anita Del Testa Anita Del Testa

From Bodyweight to Barbell: Are These Fears Keeping You from a Stronger, Confident You?

Joining a gym and embarking on a strength training journey can be a transformative experience for women. Not only does it contribute to improved health and longevity, but it also boosts self-confidence, enhances body composition, and empowers women to achieve their fitness goals. However, despite the numerous benefits, many women hesitate to start strength training due to various fears and concerns.

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