Anita’s Story

Hi, I’m Anita

I love helping women become their best selves - with honesty, compassion and unwavering support.
How did I get here? Here’s my story…

I was born in Cobar, NSW, to a Scottish mother and Italian father. When I was 2, my parents decided to visit Scotland via Italy to introduce me to my grandparents. We spent six months in Italy then headed to Scotland. My father loved it there, so we stayed.

I married at 25 and had my daughter, Rebecca, the following year. Tragically, she died from a sudden onset illness at the age of 2. Fourteen months later, my son, Lewis, was born. And one year later, my husband left for a business trip and never returned. He had decided to leave his family.

When Lewis was three and a half, we moved to Australia (my sister was living in Melbourne). It was one of the best decisions of my life. Lewis’ bad asthma almost immediately cleared up, and we fell in love with the people, lifestyle, sunshine (of course) and settled in.

In 2007, I undertook the Iyengar Yoga Teacher Training and in 2009, began teaching. I’ve been fortunate to attend the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India three times and each has been an amazing, transformative experience.

Anita Del Testa, founder of Women's Yoga & Strength Society

But almost six years ago, I noticed that I was becoming increasingly injured: shoulder bursitis, chronic high hamstring tendinopathy, sacroiliac pain, etc. I’d been advised by several people that a purely yoga asana practice was perhaps no longer great for my body, and to try resistance training. I was very, very resistant to this resistance training! Then… I developed a frozen shoulder.

I could hear my body crying out for me to do things differently. So, I began my strength training journey. Although I experienced some benefits pretty quickly, it was only when I was three years into it that I hired a strength training coach and things really started to change.

I love how my body feels now - more mobile, stable, secure, strong and empowered. Best of all, my yoga practice has improved and I haven’t had an injury in that time.

Anita Del Testa, Iyengar Yoga teacher

While I was undergoing this transformation, I noticed that my friends and clients were going through their own transitions. Like me, they were experiencing changes in their body and health, juggling life responsibilities and challenges, loss and grief. Feeling like they were constantly coming at the end of a very long to-do list, their confidence and energy were at all-time lows.

I became passionate about supporting other women going through similar challenges, and I’m now qualified as a Personal Trainer with a particular interest in strength training for women 35+ and managing the peri/post menopause transition.

I love empowering my clients to prioritise their wellbeing, rebuild their strength, restore their confidence and rediscover their relationship with themselves.

Anita Del Testa, Women's Strength Coach

I’m also now the proud Grandma of two grandchildren whom I adore, Zoe and Charlie. And a cat, also called Charlie! I love food, coffee, podcasts and the odd G&T (it’s all about balance!).

I love getting to help women every day see and be their best selves - with honesty, compassion and unwavering support.

If you’re ready to take the first step into your new chapter, book your free 30-minute discovery call with me.

It’s your time,



Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher - Junior Intermediate 1

Cert III & IV in Fitness

Girls Gone Strong Certified Women’s Training Specialist

Girls Gone Strong Certified Menopause Training Specialist

Menopause for Athletes Certification - Dr Stacy Sims

Online Personal Trainer Certification

Advanced Program Mastery Certification - Boutagy Fitness Institute

Strength System International Certification- Level 1 & 2 - Sebastian Oreb

Anita Del Testa, Women's Yoga & Strength Society

Chat With Me

A 30-minute Discovery Call helps us connect on a more personal level, explore what you’re looking to improve in your life; your health and wellbeing goals; and if we are a match for working together.

If you’re ready to take the first step in your new chapter, book your free call now.